Saturday, April 12, 2008

Nannup / Bridgetown

Today is Saturday and it has been spent getting up late, having a yummy late breakfast. Then to Bridgetown for coffee (cake a little disappointing). Sounds like we are doing nothing but checking out the coffee shops and cafes (not a bad idea) in the South West.
Lunch was in Manjimup (very disappointing) you would think you would be able to find a nice salad roll or toasted sandwich or some nice soup, but no, only pies, pasties and what looked like a sausage covered in batter and deep fried!!
However the scenery and the forests make up for all this.
On the way home there was a forest fire nearby and there is something spectacular about driving through a smokey forest with an orange ball for a sun – all a little surreal.
Back at Holberry House and our hosts had prepared a lovely chocolate cake for afternoon tea, it doesn’t get much better (will have to do a lot of walking to shed all this when we get back)
Have just been to look over a Rover P3, 1949 vintage, fully restored. A lovely Burgandy with cream leather interior – very comfortable and oh so classy. I think old cars are so much more sophisticated (not mechanically, obviously) than modern cars, there is something about them. English cars seem to exude class, europeans passion and of course American cars are in themselves a work of art with all those fins and huge bonnets and garish ornamentation.

1 comment:

Adam said...

That batter-covered sausage you saw is usually called a "dagwood dog"; not sure why. But it's a "delicacy"; at least at the Perth Royal Show!